Testing Callbacks with Jasmine Spies

3 min read

(Note: if you aren’t using jasmine and jasmine-jquery to test your javascript go take care of that)

Suppose we’re working on a sliding tile game, and we want to log the moves a player has made. We could create a Logger object to collect the moves, and use a callback in the Game method to update the logger. One of the simplest ways to implement a callback is with standalone function:

Game.after_move = function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.callbacks.length; i++) {

    // it's a function - just execute it, passing the move

When the move is finished, the Game object will loop through all its callback functions and execute them. Now we can add our logger as a callback:

Logger.log = function(last_move) {

var game = new Game();
var logger = new Logger();

game.add_callback(logger.log); // not quite!

We’ve lost our scope. When we passed the logger.log function to the game, there’s nothing to tie it to the logger instance we created. We can use a closure to maintain the scope:

var game = new Game();
var logger = new Logger();


  // we still have access to the outer scope
  // in here, so the logger variable still
  // holds the Logger we made

We want to test that our callbacks are being called. Normally a jasmine spy looks like this:

describe("when the user submits the form", function(){
  it("submits via ajax", function(){
    spyOn(jQuery, 'ajax');

Notice that the spy consists of two parts, an object (jQuery) and a method (ajax). We’re going to need the same thing. And we have it, kinda:

describe("after moving the tile", function(){
  it("calls the callback", function(){
    var game = new Game();
    var logger = new Logger();
    spyOn(logger, log);

    // we have to use the same closure technique as
    // above, to maintain scope


However, we shouldn’t use Logger in our Game test. It introduces an unnecessary dependency. Game observers could be anything. So let’s replace the logger with an object just for this test:

describe("after moving the tile", function(){
  it("calls the callback", function(){
    var game = new Game();
    var observer = {callback: function(){}};

    // spies always need an object and a method
    spyOn(observer, callback);

    // closure to maintain scope inside game
    game.after_move("...description of move...");


Anything less than this in terms of the observer is insufficient. It must be an object and it must have a method. So there we have it! A simple callback, a relatively straightforward and isolated test, and all scope is maintained by somewhat verbose but easily readable closures. A very serviceable implementation, and one which I use regularly.